See NESDroid and GambatteDroid if you enjoy this app.
Does not require root.
Support true multi-touch. Can run, jump and move all at the same time. Requires Android devices that support multi-touch.
All other SNES emus on the market use SNES9x 1.4.3 which is significantly more efficient but sacrifices accuracy, audio quality and game compatibility.
SNES9x 1.52 port. This will not run well on older hardware. Works on all devices Android 2.X to Ice cream Sandwhich 4.X. This is based on SNES9xNext which is the PS3 adaptation of SNES9x. All its features will eventually appear in the Android port. Source links below. This does not run as well as SNES EX but it is using a more up to date SNES9x therefore better audio and higher compatibility.
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- Major update, please email issues to me or report on our forums.
- Please visit our forums to post questions or requests.
- Supports Android 2.X, 3.X, 4.X
- Multi Touch (run and jump at the same time)
- Keyboard/Gamepad controller supported (Wiimote, SixAxis, etc)
- Up to 5 player support via game pads
- Custom key bindings
- Fast Forward
- Auto Save, phone calls won't ruin your game
- Move and resize the touch input controls to your liking!
- Compressed archives (*.7z, *.zip)
- Custom ROM directory, RomFetcher support
- Shaders (mcgreen, hq2x, super eagle, 2xSaI, etc).
Copy Roms to your external storage at /SNESDroid/roms. This directory will be created on first run. You can also set a custom rom directory in settings.
- Updated to version 1.4
- Shader performance increase for all devices
- Game Genie
- Haptic Feedback
- Stereoscopic 3D (only on supported devices)
- Email me for feature requests!
This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. Nintendo game software sold separately. Nintendo© are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nintendo Corporation. All rights reserved. Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All brands/names/images/etc are copyrighted by their respective owners. Images are shown for documentation purposes only. Halsafar is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by software/hardware companies.</br></br></br>